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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Consumer Guide: 允许 For Single Family Residence

Building a new home begins long before the foundation is poured. 这个指南不能帮你挑选橱柜,也不能帮你选择瓷砖还是地毯. 但是,它可以通过提供所需的信息来帮助许可证程序顺利进行:

  • 了解在澳门正规网赌网址大全获得单户住宅许可的相关事项.
  • 确定需要哪些文件来批准单户家庭居住.
  • 预计在许可过程中遇到的费用以及这些费用何时到期.
  • Work with licensed contractors.
  • Have a successful inspection.

What Is a 许可证 and Why Is It Needed

许可证确保你的新家最低限度地符合州和县的建筑规范,这样你的新家在未来几年都是安全的. 有很多活动的部分与建立一个新的家和各种各样的功能,使你的家成为你的梦想之家. You may choose to add a pool onto your home, add a fence around your yard, or put solar panels on your roof. 所有这些选择都会影响到你的新家在获得许可的过程中需要什么,也会影响到你的房子需要通过哪些类型的检查.

Preparation for a 许可证


Zoning: You should 联系 the Zoning Desk at 941.743.1964 so they can advise you on setback requirements, impact fees and any special conditions placed on your property.

化粪池许可证:如果你的家在化粪池旁,你需要联系澳门正规网赌网址大全卫生部门, Environmental Health Section to obtain a septic tank permit. There will be a fee for your septic tank permit payable to HRS. 当你向建筑工程处递交建筑许可证申请时,将需要你的化粪池许可证.

Notice of Commencement: A Notice of Commencement (NOC) must be recorded, 并在要求第一次检查前向建筑工程部提供一份副本.

Preparation for Building

The following documents and information must be submitted, and a permit issued before building can begin:

  • 许可证 Application: All Information must be completed, except zoning classification, flood zone and map page. 该物业的法律描述必须随包裹一一起提供.D. 数量. 这些可以通过从物业估价师处提取不动产记录或联系物业估价师获得.
  • 测量:两(2)份签署和盖章的测量,少于一年的时间,与地形测量一起.
  • Site Plans: Three (3) site plans showing the proposed structure(s), the setbacks from the structure to the property lines, 海堤, or mean high water line to the structure, any easements on the property, 街道名称. Include one (1) site plan for ROW review showing proposed driveway.
  • 分包商工作表:如果业主/承包商雇用分包商执行任何电气工作,请填写, 管道, 屋面, 等. 还记得, if you are entering into a contract with an individual to perform work, 个人必须是澳门正规网赌网址大全许可证办公室的持证承包商.
  • 消防栓宣誓书:经公证的宣誓书,说明公众可以使用水栓和消防栓.
  • 施工方案:2份完整的、经签字盖章的施工方案, including truss layouts/conventional framing details.
  • 能量计算:两(2)套签名能量计算,包括手动“J”.“确保业主代理人和准备人的签名都完成了,并向州政府提交了一份额外的封面.
  • Tree Affidavit/许可证.
  • Impact Fee Proof of 支付ment from the Englewood Fire District. If the property is located within the Englewood Fire District, a receipt for payment from the Englewood Fire District is required.
  • 化粪池许可证:由澳门正规网赌网址大全卫生部颁发, Environmental Health Section.
  • 业主/建造商宣誓书:一份完整且经过公证的宣誓书,说明业主的许可责任. Must be submitted in person.

费用 & 其他需求

  • 新地址: 地址管理人员将在您提交计划后为您的空置物业提供正确的街道号码和街道名称.
  • 影响费用: An Impact Fee will be assessed, 然而,评估的费用类型取决于物业的位置.
  • 垃圾的费用: 垃圾费必须在所有最终检查完成后,在释放电源之前支付.
  • Pre-Construction Requirements: 县规要求所有建筑工地张贴许可证和相关文件, provide trash containment, 移动厕所, and install sediment barriers. Stop Work Orders will be issued if these items are not provided.
  • Pre-Application费用: 在提交申请时,需支付部分申请费,恕不退还.


这个过程取决于之前等待审查的申请数量. 当许可证准备好或必须更正时,将通知业主/建造商或承包商. 许可证申请如未获签发,将由提交日期起计六个月届满.

Step 2: Address Management
3 .分区
4 .树木
Step 5: Environmental/Protected species

在整个建造过程中需要进行大量的检查. 如果您不确定需要哪些检验,您应该查看 许可证 Type: Single Family Residence page by clicking the link under the Related Links section on this page. 在安排或取消检查时,需要提供以下信息:

  • Building permit 数量
  • Specific type of inspection requested
  • Address of work being done
  • Contractor name and phone 数量
  • Date the inspection is requested


  • 1st Rough Plumbing/Setback
  • 基础/板
  • 粗糙机械(i).e. Electric, Framing, 2nd Rough Plumbing)
  • 绝缘
  • Finals-Bldg., ROW, Trees, Health Approval

未能打电话取消检查请求将导致重新检查费用. All re-inspection fees must be paid at time of finals. 必须在许可证签发之日起六个月内取得合法检查合格证明, and within six months of each passed inspection thereafter, or the permit will expire.

必须有商业杀虫剂公司出具的白蚁证书,说明白蚁的种类, 百分比, 以及在最终检查前喷洒的加仑数.

If the property is located within a flood zone, 在进行适当的视察前,须备有由注册土地测量师拟备的标高证明书. If the property is in a "V" flood zone, 由专业工程师或建筑师准备的证书应在检查前一天提交给许可办公室. 该证书应说明结构牢固地锚定在充分锚定的桩或柱上,以承受流速水和飓风波浪冲刷.

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